Token Details:

  • Launching November 21, 2021, 6:00 UTC

  • Ticker: $SAGITTARIUS

  • Initial Price: $1.50/Token

  • Chain: Polygon Chain

  • Initial Supply: 3,000 (Will be Locked into the Liquidity Pool)

  • $2000 Initial Liquidity on Quickswap

  • MAX Supply 30,000

  • View liquidity lock Here (soon)

  • Max Transaction amount will be 4%

  • 8% Transaction Tax on all buys, sells and transfers:

    • This tax will will be used to buy back $LEO.

      $LEO is our Priority and our eventual Governance token. We will always look for ways to incentivize $LEO for the community to hold. We will be distributing this $LEO in at least two ways:


      -Airdrops to the Community

      -And more

🔭Polygonscan $SAGITTARIUS https://polygonscan.com/address/0x4B777862B88dddb720bBa2fBa1DF283364370Eba

💩$SAGITTARIUS Chart: https://polygon.poocoin.app/tokens/0x4B777862B88dddb720bBa2fBa1DF283364370Eba

💰Buy $SAGITTARIUS : https://quickswap.exchange/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x4B777862B88dddb720bBa2fBa1DF283364370Eba

Emission Schedule:

  • 0.025/Block

Token Utility:

  • Tax used to increase value of LEO

    • Indirectly: Provide $LEO vaults, airdrops and more

  • LP Farm Token

  • Pool Farming

  • Vault Farming

  • NFTShield (for you AstroPowerUP NFTs)

  • Earn $KARMA with Blackhole

Last updated